The Niau atoll, located in the central South Pacific Ocean, is highlighted in this image, acquired by ESA’s
Proba satellite on 6 October 2005 with its Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (
CHRIS). Niau is one of nearly 80 coral reef atolls that forms the Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia.
This satellite image was acquired over the city of Madrid by Proba(satélite) with CHRIS sensor (Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer).
These new sensors can provide image data with detailed spectral resolution up to as many as 200 spectral bands.http://earth.esa.int/cgi-bin/satimgsql.pl?show_url=1233&startframe=0
Radar (microondas). Oil from the wrecked tanker off the northwest coast of Spain had already reached the Spanish coast when ESA's Envisat satellite acquired this
radar image of the oil slick, stretching more than 150 km, on Sunday, 17 November, at 10.45 UTC.
The 26-year-old tanker,
Prestige, can be seen as a bright white point located about 100 km off the coast. The huge oil slick is clearly visible as a dark plume emanating from the stricken ship and stretching to the northwest coast of Spain. The image was captured by the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) onboard the Envisat spacecraft, launched by ESA last March.

MERIS: imaging spectrometer operating in the solar reflective spectral range.
Fifteen spectral bands can be selected by ground command, each of which has a programmable width and a programmable location in the 390 nm to 1040 nm spectral range(
http://earth.esa.int/cgi-bin/satimgsql.pl?show_url=447&startframe=0Atmospheric Chemistry and Temperature. Detection of limb emission spectra in the
middle and upper atmosphere. It observes a wide spectral interval throughout the
mid infrared(MWIR) with high spectral resolution. Detects and spectrally resolves a large number of emission features of
atmospheric minor constituents playing a major role in atmospheric chemistry.
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