miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

Medidas ante el riesgo tsunami

Going Vertical: Fleeing Tsunamis by Moving Up, Not out

(December 15, 2009)
-- When the next big earthquake strikes Indonesia, a tsunami could follow close behind, killing thousands of people stuck in traffic jams while attempting to evacuate. Researchers suggest lives can be saved if those residents take refuge instead in nearby tall buildings -- but only after those buildings are strengthened to withstand big waves. ... >

The traffic jam resulting from the mass exodus kept most of them squarely in the danger zone, had a tsunami followed the magnitude 7.6 temblor. Stanford researchers who've studied the city have concluded that fleeing residents would have a better chance of surviving a tsunami if instead of all attempting an evacuation, some could run to the nearest tall building to ride out the wave.

It's called "vertical evacuation" and could save thousands of lives, but only if the city's buildings are reinforced to withstand both earthquakes and tsunamis.


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